Manuel Garay X Top 10 influential tracks X Dude from Coco X Cocolores

Manuel Garay from Cocolores gives you an insight into 10 songs that really grabbed his heart.
“This a mystic wonderful track that Jason showed me 3 years ago. This track reminds me of the musical accumulated wealth in the beginning of the 80’s. A classic tune where even Parents would start dancing haha…”
“An untold must-have in your iTunes library. Reminiscence of my German Teacher in school. Same mimic, same bodylanguage. This track definitely spreads the coolness and smoothness of New Yorks Radio stations in 1979…”
“Getting deeper in the musical atmosphere and nearer to the present, I have to present you this undercover Hit called „U got me“. This tune made in the beginning of the marvelous 90’s represents the original spirit of the deepness of House, far away from the Commercial Stuff that came after….”
“And welcome to one of the best housy-dance Tracks that were made in the 90’s. Undercover HIT. First heard that track in Kim Ann Foxmans Fader Mix. Oh my God it was a Blast. This masterpiece perfectly combines the lightness of the trumpets with those nebulous chords… And of course those classic Vocals… Epic!”
“A special track for a special selection. This is a contemporary Track from a Genius called Onra. When I hear this track, I think of the warmth of my childhood and my naive View of the World at that age. Wonderful song….”
“Perfect Song for chilling at the beach! Groovy as Hell…”
“Gorgeous track for Catwalks… Reminiscence of the beginning of Voguing in the 90’s…”
“First heard this track in a documentary called „Paris is Burning“ shot in New York in the late 80’s directed by Jennie Livingston. This Documentary deals with African American, Latino, Gay and transgender communities and their way of living…Voguing! No waste of time! Oh Yeah!”
“Best Song for starting a sunday Morning after partying hard. Good spirit, good groove, good ambiente! Love it!”
“On my On-The-Go list since 2 months… Real specific track.. Worth to hear!”