::Shir Khan Presents Black Jukebox 22::

Supported by Mallgrab, Laurent Garnier, Tensnake, Behling & Simpson, Kraak & Smaak and many others…
T.U.R.F. are two Dutch friends, dj’s and producers joined by their love of old records from a wide range of genres. Last year they released their debut EP on Apparel Music, which got support from artists like Roy Davis Jr, Soul of Hex, Frits Wentink, Black Loops and many others.
After such an amazing start, they are very excited to take their music into new directions with this new EP for Black Jukebox, consisting of three diverse tracks that will bring the feel good vibes back to the club.
First Feedback:
Laurent Garnier: Pure happy vibes. Love it.
Tensnake: Second Chance is really nice.
Red Axes: Thanks.
2000 And One: Organic House.
Behling & Simpson: Quality summer vibes!
Pezzner: Fun!
Till Von Sein: Dope EP.
Kraak & Smaak: Like.
Stereo MCs: Kukuza for me.
Fred Everything: Great tools.
Tone Of Arc: Ace.
Phil Gerus: Very nice vibes here!
Mark Farina: Good stuff.
Qzen: Party balm/bomb.