::Kotelett & Zadak – Roadhouse::

Early support from Solomun, &Me, Ewan Pearson, Arthur Baker, Oliver Koletzki, Upercent, Lee Burridge, Till Von Sein…
&ME supporting Whitesquare Remix:
Berlin duo Kolett & Zadak continue their hot streak on Exploited Ghetto following the success of Amplifire and Azizam with another formidable creation.
Familiar faces behind the decks at clubs in their home town like Kater Blau, Sisyphos or Ritter Butzke, theirs is a deep and heady sound. Roadhouse rocks a swung triplet rhythm which immediately makes it stand out along with its sinister off-beat bassline. On-beat hats further the jarring feel as hypnotic, warped vocal cuts and sustained synth notes heighten the eerie vibe. It’s a moment of relief from the sonic tension when the epic bassline cuts its way into the heart of the track, with the commanding vocal refrain coming out of nowhere to lay the icing on the cake. Wobbly 8-bit synths add more texture before the brooding bassline grows in swagger with metallic layers swirling out of the ether to bolster its power. Despite its vigour, it’s somehow understated, with its tense feel doing away with the need for excessive power.
Whitesquare deliver a superb rework, taking elements from the original and marrying them to a more straight-up, rolling 4/4 groove that’s laced with delicious conga rolls. Pretty chime sounds play out the chord progression and build the emotion as those vocal cuts are boosted up cleverly to a lead refrain status. A bold marimba melody cuts into play, spaciously reverbed, before a plump analog bassline pumps its way into action. A careful, uncluttered arrangement and excellent mixing allows each element to shine beautifully, with subtle field recording type nature sounds and well-placed FX filling in the gaps perfectly.